いつもよりもだいぶ遅くなっちゃったのですが、2018 年 5 月のAzure の Update の情報です。
■Azure Update
■Azure Blog
■Azure App Service Team Blog
■Azure Logic Apps – Release Notes
■Bot Framework Blog
■Azure DevTest Labs Team Blog
■Cortana Intelligence and Machine Learning Blog
■Cloud Platform News Bytes Blog
■Azure Service Fabric Team Blog
■Azure Application Insights Service Status Blog
■Enterprise Mobility + Security
[Azure AD]
- 5/2 Monitor your ADFS sign-in activity using Azure AD Connect Health’s risky IP reports
- 5/4 Use Internal URLs to access apps from anywhere with our My Apps Sign-in Extension and the Azure AD Application Proxy
- 5/11 Azure AD B2C just keeps getting better! More customization options + easier to configure!
- 5/14 Exciting improvements to the B2B collaboration experience
- 5/16 PingFederate configuration integration for Azure AD now in public preview!
- 5/22 Eight Essentials for Hybrid Identity: #1 A new identity mindset
- 5/23 Azure AD Authentication for Azure Storage now in public preview
- 5/29 This is SO cool! Use Azure AD to login to Azure Linux virtual machines
[Azure AI]
- 5/1 How to Develop a Currency Detection Model using Azure Machine Learning
- 5/2 Microsoft extends AI support to PyTorch 1.0 deep learning framework
- 5/2 Kubernetes Load Testing
- 5/7 Accelerating AI on the intelligent edge: Microsoft and Qualcomm create vision AI developer kit
- 5/7 Azure AI Platform announcements: New innovations for developers
- 5/7 Azure Machine Learning Packages for Vision, Text and Forecasting in Public Preview
- 5/15 A Scalable End-to-End Anomaly Detection System using Azure Batch AI
- 5/21 Improving Medical Imaging Diagnostics Using Azure Machine Learning Package for Computer Vision
- 5/21 Enterprise Deployment Tips for Azure Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM)
- 5/29 How to Use FPGAs for Deep Learning Inference to Perform Land Cover Mapping on Terabytes of Aerial Images
[App Service]
- 5/1 App Service Command Line Tools Resources
- 5/2 Breaking change for SNI-SSL hostnames on Azure App Service
- 5/2 Breaking change for SNI-SSL host names on Azure App Service
- 5/7 App Service: Adding multi-container capabilities and Linux support for App Service Environment
- 5/7 Multi-container Linux Web App
- 5/7 App Service Authentication/Authorization Coming to Linux Apps
- 5/7 Announcing the Linux on App Service Environment Public Preview
- 5/7 New SSH Experience and Remote Debugging for Linux Web Apps
- 5/7 Introducing Restore from Snapshots (Preview)
- 5/7 Revised Scaling Experience for Standard and Premium
- 5/8 Web Apps making changes to FTP deployments
- 5/11 June 2018 version updates to PHP
- 5/11 PHP Minor Version Update for June 2018
- 5/13 April 2018 App Service update
- 5/16 HTTP/2 configuration available in the Azure portal
- 5/18 Azure App Service on Azure Stack Update Two Released
- 5/31 Azure Security Center can identify attacks targeting Azure App Service applications
[Application Insight]
- 5/10 Enhancements in Application Insights Profiler and Snapshot Debugger
- 5/18 Public preview: Query across applications in log alerts
- 5/22 General availability: Log alerts for Application Insights
[Azure Blockchain Workbench]
- 5/7 Public preview: Azure Blockchain Workbench
- 5/7 Simplifying blockchain app development with Azure Blockchain Workbench
[Azure Cloud Shell]
[Azure Cognitive Service]
- 5/7 Build 2018: Video Indexer updates
- 5/7 Microsoft Conversational AI tools enable developers to build, connect and manage intelligent bots
- 5/7 Microsoft empowers developers with new and updated Cognitive Services
- 5/7 Announcing Cognitive Search: Azure Search + cognitive capabilities
- 5/7 Announcing General Availability of QnAMaker
- 5/7 Microsoft Conversational AI tools enable developers to build, connect and manage intelligent bots
- 5/7 Build a Microsoft Bot Framework bot with the Bot Builder SDK v4
- 5/10 Full-integrated experience simplifying Language Understanding in conversational AI systems
- 5/16 Security changes coming to Azure Web Apps, affecting Azure Bot Service
[Azure Container Registry]
- 5/7 Azure Container Registry makes geo-replication generally available, adding lifecycle management capabilities
- 5/7 Microsoft syndicates container catalog (mcr.microsoft.com)
[Azure Kubernetes Service]
- 5/7 Introducing the Azure Terraform Resource Provider
- 5/7 Kubernetes on Azure: Industry’s best end-to-end Kubernetes experience
- 5/7 Monitoring Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Azure Monitor container health (preview)
- 5/23 Do more with Chef and Microsoft Azure
[Azure CosmosDB]
- 5/7 Introducing the #Azure #CosmosDB Bulk Executor library
- 5/7 Virtual Network Service Endpoints for Azure #CosmosDB is now generally available
- 5/7 Azure #CosmosDB @ Build 2018: The catalyst for next generation apps
- 5/7 Have fun and draw awesome on the cosmic scale Azure #CosmosDB #PxDraw canvas today!
- 5/7 Sharing provisioned throughput across multiple containers in Azure #CosmosDB
- 5/9 Announcing new Async Java SDK for Azure #CosmosDB
- 5/9 General availability: Azure Cosmos DB Virtual Network Service Endpoints
- 5/23 Serverless real-time notifications in Azure using Azure #CosmosDB
[Azure Database for xxx]
- 5/4 General availability: Azure Database for PostgreSQL in new regions and compute generation
- 5/4 General availability: Azure Database for MySQL in new regions and compute generation
- 5/24 General availability: Data-in Replication for Azure Database for MySQL
- 5/30 Public preview: Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for MySQL
- 5/30 Public preview: Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- 5/31 VNet service endpoints for Azure database services for MySQL and PostgreSQL in preview
[Azure Database Migration Service]
- 5/7 Azure Database Migration Service now generally available
- 5/17 General availability: Azure Database Migration Service
[Azure Databricks]
- 5/10 Spark + AI Summit: Data scientists and engineers put their trust in Microsoft Azure Databricks
- 5/30 Getting started with Apache Spark on Azure Databricks
[Azure Event Hubs]
- 5/1 Python, Node.js, Go client libraries for Azure Event Hubs in public preview
- 5/9 Azure Event Hubs for Kafka Ecosystems in public preview
[Data Factory]
- 5/4 Data Factory supports wildcard file filters for Copy Activity
- 5/7 New connectors available in Azure Data Factory
- 5/8 Data Factory GetMetadata activity supports more sources and metadata options
- 5/8 Data Factory Lookup activity supports a rich set of connectors
- 5/14 Enhance productivity using Azure Data Factory Visual Tools
[Azure DevTest]
- 5/2 Image Factory – Part 4: Set Retention Policy and Run Cleanup Steps
- 5/10 Azure Lab Services Public Preview Released!
- 5/14 Feature update: Resize a lab virtual machine
- 5/15 Azure DevTest Labs: Resize a lab virtual machine
- 5/16 How does Azure DevTest Labs handle user’s personal data?
- 5/18 Importing virtual machines across labs
- 5/29 Troubleshooting VM and Environment Creation Failures
[Azure Event Grid]
- 5/3 Announcing first-class support for CloudEvents on Azure
- 5/7 Better integrations and higher productivity with Azure Event Grid
[Azure File Sync]
[Azure Functions]
[Azure IoT Edge]
- 5/7 Manage Azure IoT Edge deployments with Kubernetes
- 5/7 What’s new with Azure IoT Edge?
- 5/14 Using the Azure IoT Python SDK: make sure you check the version!
[Azure IoT Hub]
- 5/7 Enabling more device management scenarios with new features in IoT Hub
- 5/31 Make Azure IoT Hub C SDK work on tiny devices!
[Key Vault]
- 5/14 10 great things about Kafka on HDInsight
- 5/29 Gain application insights for Big Data solutions using Unravel data on Azure HDInsight
[Log Analytics]
- 5/17 Detect malicious activity using Azure Security Center and Azure Log Analytics
- 5/23 Control Azure Data Lake costs using Log Analytics to create service alerts
- 5/29 Log Analytics query language recommendations for Summarize and Join operators
[Media Service]
[Azure mobile app]
[Azure Monitor]
[Azure Maps]
[Azure Marketplace]
- 5/1 Azure Marketplace new offers: April 1–15
- 5/7 Azure Marketplace is reaching new audiences
- 5/8 Private Offers on Azure Marketplace
- 5/16 Azure Marketplace new offers: April 16-30
- 5/24 Transact capabilities for SaaS apps now available in Azure Marketplace
- 5/24 New container images in Azure Marketplace
[Azure Portal]
[Service Bus]
[Azure Service Fabric]
- 5/3 Secure Jenkins for Service Fabric with Azure Credentials
- 5/7 Azure Service Fabric at Microsoft Build 2018
- 5/14 6.2 Release Update
- 5/16 Service Fabric with OMS Log Analytics
- 5/17 Container Tooling for Service Fabric now available in Visual Studio 2017
- 5/22 New Service Fabric client library for .NET
- 5/29 Service Fabric 6.2 Refresh Release (CU2)
[Azure SignalR Service]
[Azure Site Recovery]
[Azure Sphere]
[Azure SQLDatabase]
- 5/1 Explore SaaS analytics with Azure SQL Database, SQL Data Warehouse, Data Factory, and Power BI
- 5/4 Preview: The vCore-based purchasing model for Azure SQL Database is extended with additional compute and storage options
- 5/17 Announcing SQL Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and SQL Vulnerability Assessment general availability
[Azure SQL Data Warehouse]
- 5/1 General availability: Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen2
- 5/10 Azure SQL Data Warehouse now supports automatic creation of statistics
- 5/10 Extract management insights from SQL Data Warehouse with SQL Operations Studio
- 5/14 General availability: Automatic creation of statistics in SQL Data Warehouse
- 5/14 Accelerate your cloud data warehouse with automation tools
- 5/22 Accelerate data warehouse modernization with Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services for Azure
- 5/23 Load confidently with SQL Data Warehouse PolyBase Rejected Row Location
[Azure Stack]
[Azure Stream Analytics]
- 5/8 4 new features now available in Azure Stream Analytics
- 5/9 Session windows in Azure Stream Analytics
Private Preview Sign-up - 5/9 C# custom code support for Stream Analytics jobs on IoT Edge
- 5/9 Updated built-in machine learning models for anomaly detection in Stream Analytics
- 5/9 Blob output partitioning by custom attribute in Azure Stream Analytics
- 5/22 New updates for Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
- 5/30 General availability: Soft delete for Azure Storage blobs
- 5/30 Soft delete for Azure Storage Blobs generally available
[Traffic Manager]
[Virtual Machine]
- 5/3 Announcing low-priority VMs on scale sets now in public preview
- 5/4 Azure M-series VMs are now SAP HANA certified
- 5/7 Shared Image Gallery now in limited preview
- 5/9 Azure confidential computing
- 5/15 Why developers should enable Azure Security Center’s Just-in-Time VM Access
- 5/15 Protect virtual machines across different subscriptions with Azure Security Center
- 5/19 Enterprise administrators can view reserved instances in the Azure portal
- 5/24 Accelerate your SAP on Azure HANA project with SUSE Microsoft Solution Templates
- 5/25 M-Series certified for SAP HANA and available worldwide
- 5/1 Global VNet Peering now generally available
- 5/1 Monitor Microsoft peering in ExpressRoute with Network Performance Monitor – public preview
- 5/9 Azure Networking May 2018 announcements
- 5/17 New Azure Network Watcher integrations and Network Security Group Flow Logging updates
- 5/3 Azure expands certification scope of Health Information Trust Alliance Common Security Framework
- 5/7 The Microsoft data platform continues momentum for cloud-scale innovation and migration
- 5/7 Azure IoT solution accelerators bring the next wave of innovation
- 5/7 New Azure innovations are helping developers write code today for tomorrow’s technology challenges
- 5/7 New Integrations for GitHub Developers
- 5/7 Name changes and GUID migration: Azure App Service on Linux Basic plan
- 5/7 Name changes and GUID migration: Azure App Service on Linux Premium plan
- 5/7 Name changes: Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen1 and Gen2
- 5/7 GUID migration: Container Instances
- 5/7 Name changes and GUID migration: Azure App Service on Linux Standard plan
- 5/8 OpenShift on Azure: The easiest, fully managed OpenShift in the cloud
- 5/10 In case you missed it: 10 of your questions from our GDPR webinars
- 5/10 Customer success stories with Azure Backup: Somerset County Council
- 5/10 GUID Migration: E64i VM series
- 5/14 Help improve our Azure docs!
- 5/15 Name changes: Azure Maps
- 5/15 Name changes and GUID migration: Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen1 US Government
- 5/15 GUID migration: Azure Security Center unit-of-measure change
- 5/16 GUID migration: Storage Managed Disks, US Government regions
- 5/16 GUID migration: Storage Managed Disks
- 5/18 Azure the cloud for all – highlights from Microsoft BUILD 2018
- 5/21 Azure IoT Reference Architecture update
- 5/23 An update on the integration of Avere Systems into the Azure family
- 5/24 Devs imagine, create, and code the future at Microsoft Build
- 5/24 Explore Build 2018 content with playlists
- 5/25 New capabilities to enable robust GDPR compliance
- 5/25 Microsoft continues to be a leader in Gartner’s Cloud IaaS MQ
- 5/29 The best of AppSource & Azure Marketplace at Build 2018
- 5/30 Digging in with Azure IoT: Our interactive developer guide
- 5/30 Assess GDPR readiness with Microsoft Cloud App Security
- 5/31 3 reasons why Azure’s infrastructure is secure
[Visual Studio Team Services]
- 5/7 Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service by using DevOps Projects: Sprint 134 Update
- 5/30 Visualize release progress—VSTS Sprint 135 Update
[Power BI Embedded]
- 5/8 Custom report tooltips and Q&A explorer available for Power BI Embedded
- 5/9 Azure Memory metric available for Power BI Embedded
- 5/9 Azure Memory Thrashing metric available for Power BI Embedded
- 5/9 QPU High Utilization metric available for Power BI Embedded
- 5/9 Azure alerts available for Power BI Embedded
今月は、Microsoft Build と、5/25 の RGDP の施行と大きな出来事がありましたので、アナウンスも多めになっています。
個人的に仕事などで、Microsoft Azure もサービスの種類が本当に充実してきているなって感じる部分と、やっぱりオンプレミスとは脳みそを変えないとなかなか使いこなせないなっていうのを強く感じた月でもありました。
でも、ただ1つ思うのは、これから Microsoft Azure を使う人にとっては、どういう切り口で入るのかがってのが割と大切な時期に来ているんだろうなって思います。
来月は、こんなに遅くならないうちに Update の情報をここにかけるといいなぁ。。