2017 年 10 月のAzure の Update の情報です。
■Azure Update
■Azure Blog > Announcements
■Azure Blog > Update
■Azure App Service Team Blog
■Azure Logic Apps – Release Notes
■Bot Framework Blog
■Azure DevTest Labs Team Blog
■Cortana Intelligence and Machine Learning Blog
■Cloud Platform News Bytes Blog
■Azure Service Fabric Team Blog
- 10/2(update) Azure networking available only in the Azure portal from October 4
- 10/5(BlogAnnouncing) Get alerts faster with near real-time alerting for Azure platform metrics
Microsoft.Compute / virtualMachines:
Microsoft.Compute / virtualMachineScaleSets:
Microsoft.DBforMySQL / servers
Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL / servers
Microsoft.Cache / Redis
Microsoft.ServiceBus / namespaces
■Application Platform
[Virtual Machine]
- 10/2(BlogAnnouncing) Announcing new Azure VM images: SQL Server 2017 on Linux and Windows
- 10/5(BlogAnnouncing) Java: Manage availability zones and more
- 10/9(update) General availability (Windows) and preview (Linux): Accelerated Networking
- 10/10(BlogAnnouncing) .NET: Manage availability zones and more
- 10/14(update) Public preview: Azure Availability Zones
- 10/23(BlogAnnouncing) Fv2 VMs are now available, the fastest VMs on Azure
[App Service]
- 10/9(update) Auto-renewal of SSL certificates in App Service
- 10/9(App Service Team Blog) September 2017 App Service Update
・Support for Azure Managed Service Identity (MSI)
・Performance improvements for Azure Functions UX - 10/11(update) Retirement of the PHP 5.5 runtime from App Service
[Azure Functions]
- 10/10(App Service Team Blog) Durable Functions and Bindings Extensibility Preview Announcement
[Azure Batch]
- 10/13(update) Azure Batch updates
[Azure Container Services]
- 10/24(BlogAnnouncing) Introducing AKS (managed Kubernetes) and Azure Container Registry improvements
[Service Fablic]
- 10/13(update) General availability: Service Fabric 6.0 on Linux
[Virtual Network]
- 10/9(Blog Update) Point-to-Site (P2S) connection using OpenVPN infrastructure
- 10/9(BlogAnnouncing) Announcing Azure Files share snapshots public preview
- 10/27(update) Public preview expansion: VNet Service Endpoints and Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks
■Data Store
[SQL Data Warehouse]
- 10/23(update) Public preview: Twice the performance and unlimited columnar storage with SQL Data Warehouse
- 10/30(update) Elastic Query between SQL Data Warehouse and SQL Database
[SQL Database]
- 10/2(Blog Update) Data Integrity in Azure SQL Database
- 10/9(BlogAnnouncing) Transactional replication to Azure SQL Database is now generally available
- 10/12(Blog Update) Put your databases on autopilot with a lift and shift to Azure SQL Database
[Azure Database for xxx]
- 10/11(Blog Update) Announcing Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL availability in Canada and Brazil
[Azure Data Lake]
- 10/2 (update)Azure Data Lake Analytics introduces capabilities to manage pipelines and recurring jobs
[Azure Data Factory]
- 10/19(BLog Update) Azure Data Factory V2: visual monitoring added to public preview
[DevTest Lab]
- 10/5(update) Azure DevTest Labs: Unclaim a VM and return it to the claimable pool
- 10/6(update) Azure DevTest Labs: New action to restart a Lab VM
- 10/9(update) Azure DevTest Labs: Data Science and Bitnami images available in your lab
- 10/10(update) Azure DevTest Labs: Set access rights to an environment resource group
- 10/30(update) Azure DevTest Labs: Kali Linux image available in your lab
- 10/3(BlogAnnouncing) Microsoft Azure allies with nearForm for Node.js Developer Migration and Support Services
■Enterprise INtegretion
[Event Grid]
- 10/18(Blog Update) Azure Event Grid now supports Event Hubs as a destination
■Operation Management
[Azure Site Recovery]
- 10/25(BlogAnnouncing) One-click replication for Azure Virtual Machines with Azure Site Recovery
- 10/12(update) Preview: Update management, inventory, and change tracking in Azure Automation
- 10/24(update) Public preview: Python 2 support and Hybrid Runbook Workers for Linux
[Application Indsight]
- 10/3(BlogAnnouncing) Announcing the general availability of Azure Application Insights SDK for Node.js 1.0
[Log Analytics]
- 10/11(BlogAnnouncing) Send your Azure alerts to ITSM tools using Action Groups
[Azure Analysis Services]
- 10/12(Blog Update)Hardening Azure Analysis Services with the new firewall capability
[Azure Monitor]
- 10/11(Blog Update) Manage your Azure VM backups with Azure CLI 2.0 – Preview
[Azure Security Center]
- 10/9(Blog Update) How Azure Security Center uses machine learning to enable adaptive application control
- 10/24(Blog Update) How Azure Security Center automates the detection of cyber attack
- 10/26(Blog Update) Detect the latest ransomware threat (aka Bad Rabbit) with Azure Security Center
- 10/31(Blog Update) Azure Security Center previews new threat detections for Linux
[Azure Batch AI]
- 10/13(update) Public preview: Azure Batch AI
[Cogntive Services]
- 10/12(Blog Update) Microsoft Cognitive Services – How Content Moderator helps to boost online safety
- 10/16(BlogAnnouncing) Bing Search API v7 and Bing Custom Search are now generally available
[Azure AD]
- 10/5(update) General availability: Azure AD DS support for Resource Manager virtual networks
- 10/5(update) General availability: Azure AD DS in the new Azure portal
- 10/11(Blog Update) ADAL.NET 3.17.0 released
- 10/3(BLog Update) Announcing CSV format support for Usage Details API for Enterprise Azure customers
- 10/3(Blog Updatge) Achieve better savings with best-in-class cost management on Azure
- 10/6(update) Public preview: Azure subscription cost reporting and analysis for enterprise customers
- 10/10(Blog Update) Quarterly Microsoft Azure SOC reports: Compliance at warp speed
- 10/16(Blog Update) Cloud Service Map for AWS and Azure Available Now
- 10/26(Blog Update) Azure GDPR resources: Unmatched focus on customer compliance needs
- 10/31(BlogAnnouncing) Microsoft Azure set to triple its capacity in China in next six months
先月の Ignite で大きなアナウンスが多かったので、今月は小ぶりでしたかねー。