Microsoft Azure 2016 年 11 月の Update

Azure Update

2016 年 11 月のAzure の Update の情報です。



Azure Functions portal and host improvements



General availability: Azure cool blob storage in additional regions

Project Bletchley – Blockchain comes to Azure Marketplace

Microsoft Teams Available in Bot Framework

Microsoft Team増えてますねー。


Azure Blueprint takes takes on DoD Level 4

Azure Search and Backup available in Canada


DocumentDB: New quick-start apps in the Azure portal

Azure Container Service: the cloud’s most open option for containers



General availability: Azure API Management SOAP pass-through

Azure Government Cloud expands P-ATO scope with addition of five new offerings



General availability: In-Memory OLTP in Azure SQL Database Premium


Fine-tune and customize your translations in Translator for Bing


Azure Backup support for encrypted Azure VMs


DocumentDB: Available in West Central US and West US 2

Azure Logic Apps – Release Update – 2016-11-11


IBM and Microsoft Azure support Spectrum Symphony and Spectrum LSF

Data Platform week in review – November 14, 2016



New App Service MVA course now available

久々に MVA にログインしたら、なんか変わったんですね。前のポイントで MVA 創立クラブ メンバーってのになってたみたいですが、なんの特典があるんだろ。。。(それにしても、いつ変わったんだろ。。。。)


Microsoft Bot Framework November Update – Cross Platform Emulator App, Enhanced Direct Line REST API, Updated SDKs, Card Types and new Azure Bot Service (Preview)

Azure N-Series: General availability on December 1

Microsoft Azure Announces Industry’s First Cloud Bot-as-a-Service

Choose Azure, like OpenAI did, to power your compute intensive workloads and add intelligent interactions to all your apps

Azure Security Center now available in UK

Announcing integration of Azure Backup into VM management blade



General availability: G-series for Azure Cloud Services

General availability: R Server on HDInsight

General availability: Azure Functions

The Intelligent Data Lake

Azure Data Lake Analytics now generally available


Azure Data Lake Store now generally available


Public Preview: Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio Code (VSCode)


General availability of Azure Application Insights

Azure ML Available in Japan East and US East 2



Kafka for Azure HDInsight now public preview

R Server for HDInsight now generally available

Four simple steps to Backup VMware VMs using Azure Backup Server

Announcing VMware backup with Azure Backup Server

Continuous integration and deployment to Azure Container Service

Announcing the public preview of Azure Advisor

New Azure PaaS services available for Azure Stack Technical Preview 2 (TP2)


URL Authorization Rules in App Service

New generation of A-series instances for Azure Virtual Machines

Free local development with the DocumentDB Emulator

Azure Logic Apps – Release Update – 2016-11-18

Manage your Linux and Windows Servers with Microsoft Operations Management Suite


DocumentDB .NET Core Preview SDK available

DocumentDB: Paper about the TCO of running a NoSQL database is available

Custom reports for Verizon Standard and Premium profiles



Azure DevTest Labs: Create multiple-VM environments with Resource Manager templates

Connect your things with the Azure IoT Gateway SDK

With general availability, enhancements abound in Azure IoT Hub Device Management

Announcing 4 TB for SAP HANA, Single-Instance SLA and Hybrid Use Benefit Images



Application Insights: General availability in additional regions and resource location update

Set auto-shutdown for VMs created through Resource Manager

Announcing token authentication with Azure CDN

New A_v2-Series VM sizes


Azure Backup security capabilities for protecting cloud backups

Custom reports for Verizon Standard and Premium profiles



Application Insights: Telemetry data will require HTTPS

Announcing Azure DevTest Labs support for creating environment with ARM templates

Azure Site Recovery now supports Windows Server 2016

Deep Learning Made Easy in Azure



From “A PC on every desktop” to “Deep Learning in every software”



Announcing general availability of preview features and new APIs in Azure Search




今月は、connect() で GA や Preview が多かったですねー。
//Build よりも、connect() の方が新しい何かが出るのって多いような気がするんだよなー。


  • Azure Functions が GA した
  • App Insight が GA した
  • Data Lake が GA した
  • Azure Bot Services が PV した
  • VM の種類が増えた(Av2が今回、12/1にNシリーズ )
  • VIsual Studio for Mac が PV した

Cognitive Service にも、「Content Moderator」という API が追加になってちょっと面白そうなんですよねー。
The Microsoft Cognitive Tool kit も面白そうだけど、まだ触れてない。。。

VM の Nシリーズも素敵ですよね。
Cortana Intelligence and Machine Learning Blogの Training Deep Neural Networks on ImageNet Using Microsoft R Server and Azure GPU VMs の記事で、Deep Learning の裏側で、NVIDIA の tesla 使ってるなどの内容で読み物としておもしろいかも。

Data Lake は、まだ一度も触ったことがないうちに GA しちゃったなー。

自分的には、VSTS に手を出したい気もするし、Windows Phone は全然な雰囲気だから Xamarin 触ってみたい気もするし。。

試したことは、12月ですので Advent カレンダーに書くといいかもです。


