2018 年 6 月のAzure の Update の情報です。
■Azure Update
■Azure Blog
■Azure App Service Team Blog
■Azure Logic Apps – Release Notes
■Bot Framework Blog
■Azure DevTest Labs Team Blog
■Cortana Intelligence and Machine Learning Blog
■Cloud Platform News Bytes Blog
■Azure Service Fabric Team Blog
■Azure Application Insights Service Status Blog
■Enterprise Mobility + Security
■Visual Studio App Center Blog
[Azure Active Directory]
- 6/7 Azure AD Conditional Access support for blocking legacy auth is in Public Preview!
- 6/13 Hallelujah! Azure AD delegated application management roles are in public preview!
- 6/22 Baseline security policy for Azure AD admin accounts in public preview!
- 6/27 Use Azure Active Directory with Spring Security 5.0 for OAuth 2.0
- 6/27 Microsoft Cloud App Security’s Conditional Access App Control is now generally available!
[Azure Alerts]
[Azure App Service]
- 6/4 App Service Deployment Center (Preview)
- 6/6 App Service Diagnostics – Profiling an ASP.NET Web App on Azure App Service
- 6/12 Logic Apps available in US Gov: June updates
- 6/13 TLS configuration now fixed to block 1.0(Update)
- 6/13 TLS Configuration now fixed to block 1.0(Blog)
- 6/18 New App Service apps deployed with TLS 1.2 by default from June 30
- 6/19 Maven: Deploy Java Apps to Azure with Tomcat on Linux
- 6/26 Announcing General Availability and Sovereign Cloud Support of Managed Service Identity for App Service and Azure Functions
- 6/26 Function Proxies now Available in Functions Version 2.x!
- 6/26 How to use Azure Container Registry for a Multi-container Web App?
[Azure Backup]
- 6/7 Azure Backup for SQL Server on Azure now in public preview
- 6/25 Backup your applications on Azure Stack with Azure Backup
[Azure Batch]
- 6/12 Azure Batch updates
[Azure Blockchain Workbench]
[Cognitive Service]
- 6/4 Speech services now in preview
- 6/7 Improving accuracy in LUIS with patterns
- 6/20 Create a QnA Knowledge Base using new BotBuilder Tools
- 6/26 Locally develop and manage LUIS applications with new BotBuilder tools
- 6/28 Bing Visual Search and Entity Search APIs for video apps
- 6/28 Reasons why retail and consumer goods brands should address Artificial Intelligence today
[Azure Container Instances]
[Cognitive Service]
- 6/7 Cognitive Services Speech SDK June 2018 update
- 6/28 Get video insights in (even) more languages!
[Azure Databricks]
[Azure Data Factory]
- 6/19 Azure Data ingestion made easier with Azure Data Factory’s Copy Data Too
- 6/20 Event trigger based data integration with Azure Data Factory
- 6/27 Azure Data Factory new capabilities are now generally available
- 6/27 Lift SQL Server Integration Services packages to Azure with Azure Data Factory
[Azure Data Lake]
- 6/5 Use Azure Data Lake Analytics to query AVRO data from IoT Hub
- 6/5 Get started with U-SQL: It’s easy!
- 6/6 Azure Data Lake Tools for VSCode supports Azure blob storage integration
- 6/7 Process more files than ever and use Parquet with Azure Data Lake Analytics
- 6/27 Announcing the preview for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- 6/28 A closer look at Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
[Azure Database for xxx]
- 6/4 PostgreSQL 10.3 released on Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- 6/14 General availability: Scaling across tiers in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- 6/14 General availability: Scaling across tiers in Azure Database for MySQL
- 6/28 General availability: Azure Database for MySQL 4-TB server storage
- 6/28 General availability: Azure Database for PostgreSQL 4-TB server storage
[Azure DevTest]
- 6/12 Using Command Line Tools to Start and Stop Azure DevTest Lab Virtual Machines
- 6/20 Connecting Azure DevTest Lab environments to the Lab Virtual Network
[Azure DNS]
[Azure Event Hubs]
- 6/8 Top 8 reasons to choose Azure HDInsight
- 6/18 Siphon: Streaming data ingestion with Apache Kafka
- 6/20 Microsoft deepens its commitment to Apache Hadoop and open source analytics
- 6/27 Updates to Hadoop, Spark, and Data Lake Storage Gen2 on Azure HDInsight
[Azure IoT Edge]
- 6/27 Azure IoT Edge generally available for enterprise-grade, scaled deployments
- 6/29 Migrating IoT Edge solutions to GA
[Azure IoT Hub]
- 6/7 Using STMicroelectronics starter kits to connect to Azure IoT in minutes
- 6/27 Automatic device management, module identity, and module twin are now generally available
[Azure Kubernetes Service]
- 6/13 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) GA – New regions, more features, increased productivity
- 6/13 SmartHotel360 Microservices on Azure Kubernetes Service
[Azure Maps]
- 6/4 Regenerative Maps alive on the Edge
- 6/20 Location and Maps in Azure IoT Central powered by Azure Maps
[Azure Monitor]
[Log Analytics]
- 6/25 Network Performance Monitor’s Service Connectivity Monitor is now generally available
- 6/27 Azure Web Apps Analytics and Azure Network Security Group Analytics available
- 6/29 A new overview page for Azure Log Analytics
[Azure Search]
- 6/6 Azure Search is now certified for several levels of compliance
- 6/28 Autocomplete in Azure Search now in public preview
[Azure Security Center]
- 6/6 Detecting script-based attacks on Linux
- 6/19 Introducing the redesigned Security Center Overview dashboard
[Azure Service Bus]
[Site Recovery]
- 6/5 General availability: Disaster recovery for Azure IaaS virtual machines
- 6/20 Disaster Recovery solution for Azure IaaS applications
[SQL Database]
- 6/21 Resumable Online Index Create is in public preview for Azure SQL DB
- 6/27 General availability: Zone-redundant Azure SQL databases and elastic pools
- 6/27 Azure Elastic Database jobs is now in public preview
[SQL Data Warehouse]
- 6/4 SQL Data Warehouse PolyBase support for Azure Storage Encryption using customer-managed keys
- 6/14 User-Defined Restore Points are now supported for Azure SQL Data Warehouse
- 6/14 Quick Recovery Time with SQL Data Warehouse using User-Defined Restore Points
- 6/20 Column-Level Security is now supported in Azure SQL Data Warehouse(Blog)
- 6/21 Column-level security is now supported in Azure SQL Data Warehouse(update)
[Azure SQL Data Sync]
- 6/18 Announcing the general availability of Azure SQL Data Sync
- 6/28 Service Fabric 6.2 Refresh Release (CU3)
- 6/29 Visual Studio Code plugin for Service Fabric Reliable Services
[Service Fabric]
[Azure Stack]
[Azure Stream Analytics]
- 6/4 Public preview: Storage Explorer in the Azure portal
- 6/12 Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management in public preview
- 6/19 Public preview: Immutable storage for Azure Storage blobs
- 6/19 Immutable storage for Azure Storage Blobs now in public preview
- 6/28 Static website hosting for Azure Storage now in public preview(Update)
- 6/28 Static website hosting for Azure Storage now in public preview(Blog)
[Traffic Manager]
[Virtual Machine]
- 6/4 Standard SSD Disks for Azure Virtual Machines is now in public preview
- 6/4 (Preview) Standard SSD Disks for Azure Virtual machine workloads
- 6/21 General availability: Azure Availability Zones in East US 2, Southeast Asia and West Europe
[Azure 関連その他]
- 6/1 How I choose which services to use in Azure
- 6/4 Why you should bet on Azure for your infrastructure needs, today and in the future
- 6/5 General availability: Azure mobile app for Android and iOS
- 6/11 Microsoft Azure Data welcomes attendees to ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2018
- 6/12 Name changes and GUID migration: App Service Basic and Standard plans
- 6/13 Unified policies with Cloud App Security and the Microsoft Data Classification Service
- 6/14 Publish your solutions to Azure Government – what, why and how
- 6/19 Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Edge Computing
- 6/21 Cost Reporting ARM APIs across subscriptions for EA customers
- 6/25 Silicon development on Microsoft Azure
- 6/25 4 month retirement notice: Access Control Service
- 6/27 Improvements to Azure names
- 6/27 Improvements to Azure names for Enterprise Agreement customers
- 6/27 Application Insights multistep web tests GUID migration
- 6/27 US Government SQL Database storage add-ons GUID migration and name changes
- 6/27 Machine Learning Server GUID migration and name changes
- 6/27 SQL Database storage add-ons GUID migration and name changes
- 6/27 Azure simplifies cloud analytics
- 6/27 Expanding Azure Certified for IoT program for the intelligent edge
- 6/27 Eight Essentials for Hybrid Identity: #3 Securing your identity infrastructure
- 6/28 Update reports for improved meter names
- 6/28 Augmented Reality becomes mainstream in Manufacturing, changes the face of the industry
- 6/28 How tech is moving the insurance industry to be more customer-focused
- 6/28 Using the Retry pattern to make your cloud application more resilient
- 6/28 The emerging big data architectural pattern
- 6/4 Azure.Source – Volume 34
- 6/11 Azure.Source – Volume 35
- 6/18 Azure.Source – Volume 36
- 6/25 Azure.Source – Volume 37
[Power BI Embedded]
- 6/1 Set the background color of a Power BI Embedded IFrame
- 6/2 Apply bookmark state on report load through Power BI Embedded Bookmarks API
- 6/2 Streamline setting up your Power BI Embedded environment
- 6/13 Name changes: SQL Database Singleton US Government
- 6/13 Name changes: SQL Advanced Threat Protection
- 6/13 Name changes: SQL Database Singleton
前ってこんなに Update 周りの情報って多かったっけかなーってなんとなく思ってますが、